Sunday 6 March 2011

Live Session #10: Empire To The Rescue Again

(Written in the present tense for effect.)

Sitting down at a cash game table after 5 or 6 pints of lager is not the greatest preparation in the world but, hey, you gotta mix it up a bit innit? I arrive at The Fox at around 6:20PM, pay the £38 for the freezeout (when will I ever learn?) and head for the cash game tables for a "warm-up". To my surprise, standing right there is flesicher123 - PKR badboy and online trash-talker extraordinaire, who is on a break from the main event. He's here with a few of his pals, known as weplayany2 and beanman4 on PKR.

Flesicher is having a fair crack at the £300 main event but weplayany2 and beanman4 are out and they are at a £1/£2 cash table. After a quick chat with flesicher et al I get my £200 in chips, avoid the aforementioned table, and take my place at a £1/£1 game. In spite of the fact that I've had a few, I get nice cards and spin up a profit of £75. Getting dealt AA, after playing fast and loose previously, always helps and I was happy to get in £50 on a harmless looking flop and see a caller chuck in the £50 - who then folds the turn when I throw it all in.

As I take my seat for the £38 freezeout I decide that it might be funny to "accidently" trip over while holding my cash game chips - just for a laugh. I time my trip to perfection, fall on the floor at just the right angle and all my chips tumble out of my hands with a perfect splash. But no one else seems to think it's very funny. Anyway, with a couple more Peronis ordered, the £38 freezeout was fun and the atmosphere was good but I crash out stupidly. Mid-way through I'm on a playable stack and it's folded to me in mid-position. For some reason I like the look of my 10 5o and put in a fair raise only for the BB to call. The flop comes 5 2 2 and I chuck it all-in only for the villain to insta-call with 77. I feel a bit annoyed because I was feeling very comfortable up to that point and it was such a stupid way to go out - Jesus! Anyway, I bump into flesicher, once again, and he has made the final table with an average stack and he will resume play the following day.

With the time at around 11PM I decide that a change of scene is in order and, while £35 up on the night thus far, I head on over to The Empire. This turns out to be a GOOD move. I pay for £200 in chips (for some reason I kept £200 of Fox chips in my pocket) and I get a seat straight away. With only six players at the table I get dealt the beautful AA, once again, very early in the session. Preflop, there are two limpers so I decide to chuck in £15. Bingo! The villain to my left thinks for a while before throwing in £75 - these are the moments that make it all worthwhile! With the shrug of the shoulders, I throw in my £200. He's kind of priced himself in and so he calls fairly quickly. The board comes something like 5 5 J 5 2 and with my villain showing no reaction I know he hasn't improved and I know my aces are good. He flips over 10 10 and I double-up swiftly.

The table is not particularly strong and I just chug along nicely. However, as the time approaches 1:30AM the effects of the earlier consumption of alcohol really starts to kick in and I feel shattered and I'm almost falling asleep. This is most definitely NOT the time to carry on playing. Apart from the AA hand, there are no other key hands to speak of and I take my leave with £407 in chips and a profit of £207. This makes a ~£240 profit on the night.

Once again, then, it's a visit to The Empire that makes it all come good. Even though I collected £70 at the cash game table at The Fox, it doesn't take a genius to work out that perhaps I should be spending far less time at The Fox, with their £1/£1 games along with their low buy-in MTTs, and much more at The Empire.

Today, it's my beloved $33, $5K ADDED MTT for gold+ members at PKR plus a very interesting 2-day main event for $35 which has a 30 minute clock! I think I'll be giving both of these a pop come this evening.

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