Sunday 27 March 2011

Let's Have A Round-Up

I know I've resolved to do an update at the end of each month but I'm feeling a bit bored so I'm just going to do a quick review of how my month has gone so far:

Online Poker Round-Up
With just 2.5K hands being played so far this month, it's not exactly been a heavy time on the online poker front. However, as readers of my blog will know, March is generally going very well for me and at the time of writing I'm looking at a £715 profit in my PKR account. I know I was on this when I was blowing my trumpet 10 days ago but that's because I've just been breaking even since then. When April arrives I want to be at least £500 up for March so I've given myself a stop-loss figure where I will stop playing for the month should I lose £215 from now until 31st March. At the moment I am £255 up in the online game for the year - not really that good when you think about it.

Live Poker Round-Up 
Thanks largely to a £300 drop during the PKR Social (although I'm questioning why the hell I'm down £200 when I hardly played any hands - damn beer!), I'm down £230 this month at the live game and as I'm not likely to play any more live sessions over the coming days this will be the total for the month. This means it'll be my first losing month at the live game this year. Thankfully, as I stormed the live tables over January and February, I'm still up to the tune of £1470 for the year. The grand total then is £1725 which, I suppose, is not bad at all.

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