Sunday 20 March 2011

Live Session #12: Breaking Even

Yesterday, I was off into town for the live pokers. First stop, at 5PM, was The Fox to lay down money for their £38 freezeout. There was a cash game kicking off but with only 3 or 4 players at the table I decided against it and headed off to The Empire. Buying in for £300 at a table with just one bigger stack I got given some tasty cards, which I played quite aggressively, and spun my stack up for a £63 profit. That was the MTT paid for and a few pennies for beers.

After a pint it was back to The Fox for the freezeout. Here I managed to min cash for a £45 return and a £7 profit. Yep, during this I proceeded to get merrily drunk and then misbehaved at a private table with James Sudworth, Ashley Hames and PKR's Danski. The reason this occured was because I saw them playing at a table across the way and wormed my way into their game for a tenner. I looked down at 44 first hand, went all-in and was promptly called by the aforementioned villain (Sudworth). He flipped over the jacks and I duly donated. I don't know what came over me but I just had to plant a big kiss on his cheeks - why must I always behave like a fool?

Oh well, after this it was a case of heading back to the freezeout for that min cash. After that I made another attempt to get back on Sudworth's table but I don't think they really appreciated some nutter gatecrashing their table and they were ready for me this time with a rule that I can't really remember but it sounded VERY -ev. It was a polite way of seeing me off and I really don't blame them for this - a lot of peeps would have just told me to fuck off! 

Anyway, to round off the evening I plonked myself down at a £1/£1 cash table with my £45 winnings and duly donked it all off by going all-in on a board which gave me top pair good kicker. I even improved my hand to two pair on the turn - but when the villain spiked his flush on the river it was goodbye to the £45. With £10 going to James Sudworth it was a modest £15 profit for the evening. Hardly worth shouting about and I must have paid at least double that for the beers but at least I got to kiss a PKR pro!

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