Saturday 12 March 2011

Flippin Heck

It's always nice to win a coinflip when it's a full buy-in versus another full buy-in and as I continue to run quite well at the ol' online poker game I just feel like posting this hand cos it doesn't happen THAT often and I actually won the bleedin' flip for a change!

I didn't expect an all-in call to be honest cos waffle was playing super-loose and it looked like a light 3bet move on the button from smudgie.  By the way, just to make it more interesting, note the flush draw that the RNG decided to throw in on the turn.

Actually, this sort of thing is less of a coinflip than one might think according to poker stove:

This next one is a lot closer but still has the pocket pairs ahead:

Clear evidence, perhaps, that AK may be nice but not all it's cracked up to be?

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