Tuesday 10 May 2011

A Final Pop At PKR Live 6?

Although coughing up a £750 entry fee for a direct buy-in to PKRL6 is tempting, it would also unfortunately be bloody stupid for a number of reasons. For a start, £750 for entry to a live MTT is a fair amount of money for anyone who is used to playing small stakes poker. (It's practically the cost of my flight and hotel for my planned Las Vegas trip!) Secondly, I don't think it's prudent to part with so much cash for the privilege of facing a field of so many MTT experts, many of whom are semi-pro to pro players anyway with massive bankrolls!

Nope, the only way I'm getting a ticket to PKRL6 is if I enter one last satellite on PKR and earn my place there that way. So there it is; if I do decide to take the satellite route, it's going to be through the "last chance saloon" satellite if, indeed, there is one this time round. That is how I nabbed my place last time and so it's fitting to try to grab a place using that route this time round as well. We'll see, we'll see... 

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