Monday 23 May 2011

My Vegas Hotel Shortlist (2 Contenders)

It's Monday afternoon and I have a few moments to kill at work so I thought I'd engage in a few blogulational activities:

First off, although I said I'd be in for a "feast" of poker over the weekend, I made the decision NOT to try the £160 freezeout at The Fox on the Sunday after all. I had lost £155 attempting to qualify for PKRL6 on the Thursday and then won the same amount back at the cash game tables at The Empire on the Saturday. I just figured that if I then lost the same amount all over again on the very next day, this would have made me unhappy; sometimes you have to factor in how a possible loss would affect your psyche when considering whether to play or not. I just don't think I could have faced a drop down again so soon after getting back on track with my sound cash game play. Yeh, yeh, I know... results orientated and all that and, yes, I could have cashed in the freezeout, but... you know how it is...

The main thing occupying my mind at the moment is my Las Vegas trip but I'm still undecided on which hotel to pick. A central location, for sure, is top priority (to reduce the amount of walking) but I also like the idea that a safe can be used for peace of mind. I hope to have surplus cash lying around and I don't envisage carrying my passport everywhere with me. Imperial Palace was a possibilty as it's dirt cheap but since reading the reviews I've been a little put off. Bill's (no safe in the rooms), Flamingo (bad reviews) and Bally's were also considerations. Bally's seems nice but it's only a few hundred pounds cheaper than Bellagio (I have seen a great deal on the Bellagio) - and paying a few extra hundred for the luxury and comfort of a grand and relatively sophisticated hotel sounds very reasonable and tempting and is no major hardship financially either. (Well, we all gotta treat ourselves once in a while innit?)

This leaves two contenders: Harrah's and Bellagio. I'll write about these in my next post.

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