Tuesday 17 May 2011

Upcoming Attractions...

We are now well over a third of the way through the year now and with my posts averaging well over one per day, I think it fair to say that I've been successful in keeping the blog going and chugging along and doing the business. We've certainly had a few wobbly moments along the way and not to say a few hiccups. I also haven't always kept things going exactly according to plan but I guess that's the nature of the journey - we don't really know how things are going to pan out or what's around the next corner and we sometimes have to change attitude and the way we do things from time to time. You never know, I could still nab the huge win that every poker player dreams of or, on the other side of the coin, I could always go through sheer hell, hit the most shocking downswing of all time and sink to rock bottom.

Poker eh?

As it is, I've done "all right" - and I mean that in the strictest sense of those words and with no irony or sarcasm intended. Just "all right." I guess if you're £2K up after about three months or so and then lose £1K by the end of the next month it's not exactly a big success but no real disaster either. When we get to the end of the month, of course, I'll post my scoreboard and let ya'll know how I'm doing financially at the game. But I'm still here, blog an' all, and that's the main thing. Here are a few ideas I've got in the pipeline and which I'd like to do before 31st December:

1) Visit Vegas and include daily trip reports. (I need to research internet cafes in Vegas.)

2) Compile reviews and post my own personal Top 10 or Top 20 of each Vegas poker room / casino that I visit. (Yep, I'll be taking round a notebook and recording all my observations.)

3) Collect a $1 poker chip from every poker room along The Strip, scan them for upload, and then post them up on my blog.

4) Post my reviews of my own album collection. This is mainly 60s-80s rock and pop with a few from the 90s thrown in. I have already done reviews of 300 of my albums (approximately 500 words each) and I've put them in rank order. I think I may upload some of these reviews (bit by bit - maybe just 2 or 3 at a time - and maybe just the Top 50) for your delectation and delight.

5) Show my playing card collection with full commentary on the design of each pack. There are a lot of different features of playing card design that are quite interesting. The big names, by the way, are Copag and Kems which are the main two brands favoured by casinos and poker rooms. Do you know the difference between plastic cards and plastic coated?

6) The Producer. It's very hard to explain about The Producer but I think the time is right to mention him. I guess you could say that The Producer is my guiding spirit, my muse or the voice that keeps me on the right path. One of these days I will speak further about The Producer.

7) YouTube clip (with commentary) of a PKR session. The only thing holding me back from doing this is technical incompetence. I really like the idea of posting a YouTube clip of Wobblebottom in action at a PKR cash table and with a full voice-over commentary on the thought processes involved a la Cardrunners. It would have to be in real time, of course, to make it more fun and just a bit of a laugh. The great thing about this is, of course, is the listener gets the full benefit of my wisdom - for absolutely free!! And I get to twaddle at what I do best; chattin' shit (as the youngsters would say).

Well, there are a few more surprises in store but these are definitely things I intend to do over the coming months anyway. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, your blog is helping me immerse myself in poker thoughts as i ride out some negative variance (hopefully its just variance). You've also convinced me to play some live poker, either at the empire of maybe fox (purely for the fact that i can buy in for £100). Id love to see a pkr session with you commenting. Try using hypercam to record your session. It's free and can record full screen.

    P.s. I just switched from pkr to full tilt and I'll never look back. So much mire simple, and faster.

