Saturday 14 May 2011

Live Session #25 (Throwing Away Winnings)

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting up in my bed with my laptop perched on my lap. I've got a huge headache after hitting the town yesterday evening and consuming large quantities of alcohol which was really not conducive to living the healthy lifestyle. The whole day was a bit weird and wild to be honest...

First off, due to the recession and with all the cuts going on in education, my job has been in jeapordy over the last few month or so. Fortunately, I was told in a meeting yesterday, that my job is safe. There is a huge story behind all of this but unlike my poker exploits, this little episode needs to be kept under wraps as it's not appropriate material to be shared on the ol' bloggle - suffice to say, my job as a Teacher of English still stands and luckily the task of job-hunting is not one I need to take up any time soon.

Anyway, to take my mind off all of that, I decided to hit The Fox Poker club for their 7PM, £28 freezeout. (I know, I wrote in the past that I would avoid these donkfests but I just wanted to start off with something light.) As I say, large quantities of alcohol were consumed as I wove my way through the field... and... Waddya know? I went all the way to the final table and fluked 3rd place for a £360 pay out! The thing is, I drunk so much it's all a bit of a blur and I really can't remember much about it let alone any key hands!!

Still, with around £750 in my wallet and that stuffed loosely in my trouser pocket AND being worse for wear while tanked up on booze I wander over to The Empire for some £1/£2 cash games - BIG BIG mistake. I take £300 in chips at the desk and plonk myself down at a table, but it's very clear to all and sundry that I'm drunk. Early doors I look down at AKs and throw in £25 preflop only to be called and then raised by someone who throws in £75! Now I should really just fold or go all-in here but I make the call(?) and then it goes check check on the orphaned flop and check check on the harmless-looking turn. The river brings a brick as well and the villain chucks all his chips in which would cost me about £220 to call. I figure he must have me beat and I fold. Of course, I really shouldn't be playing in the state I was in but I carry on anyway.

The last key hand was just shameful. I make a straight on the river but see that a possible flush has also hit. The villain sticks in £100 and it's clear to everyone, including myself, that he has made the flush. Anyway, I say "I'll call and go home" and the villain duly shows his A8s for his made flush. I donate the £100 and head for home. The appalling play of some of these fish is just unbelievable aint it? In the cold light of day, of course, I realise that wandering over to The Empire at about 3 in the morning, while drunk, with around £700 was probably not my best move in the world. I pretty much just donated a large percentage of my MTT winnings to the cash game players at The Empire.

After a lamb doner kebab at Leicester Square (more of the healthy lifestyle), I stand all the way home on a crowded bus and I'm practically asleep for the journey against a pole. I hear the "this bus terminates here" message and realise that I have gone beyond my stop yet again and it's another extended walk home!! (I'm really getting too old to be doing this.) Amazingly, my wallet, containing around £500 in £20 notes, which has been just loosely nestled in my pocket for the whole time has NOT been stolen! That's a bonus.

Now unfortunately, not being very sober for the evening means my calculations will be a little bit off. I usually keep poker money and drinking money separate so I know where I stand but yesterday I bought LOTS of drinks and mixed all the cash up together and got it all muddled so I have to figure out an approximation... I entered the MTT for about £30 and won £360 meaning a profit of £330 at The Fox. I sat down with £300 at The Empire and left the table with £100 in chips for a £200 loss there. I have £510 in cash now and left for town yesterday with about £430 but bought lots of drinks and did sit down to a few hands of cash at The Fox while on a break from the freezeout but didn't really get involved (as far as I recall). With all things considered and taking the buying of drinks and the kebab into account I roughly figure to be up about £120 at poker on the evening.  

LESSON: Never play cash game poker after drinking large quantities of alcohol.

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