Sunday 15 May 2011

Las Vegas - August Or October?

I've made a few posts recently about visiting Las Vegas but unfortunately I don't think an October trip is going to be possible. After looking at my options, I don't think I'm going to get enough time to enjoy the place by squeezing in a trip during the one week I get off in October. Therefore, with a six week break covering the last part of July and all of August, I think the last part of August seems the most likely time I can go. The only problem with this, though, will be the damn heat. By the way, it's a solo trip I'm planning.

I reckon I need about 10-14 days overall with a couple of jet-lag free weekends in between which means I'm looking at leaving on around Wednesday 17th and coming back on something like Sunday 28th. There are three main aims of the trip:

1) To play lots of poker but not to play so much that I play stupid.
2) To collect a dollar chip from as many casinos on The Strip as I possibly can. (Just for the hell of it.)
3) To review as many of the poker rooms on The Strip as I possibly can. (I want to try to compile a Top 20 but this may have to be reduced to a Top 10.)

This will involve a lot of walking and a lot of being outside in the sun which is why August is really not the ideal time to go. BUT, it just seems like it'll be the ONLY time I can go. Bill's Gambling Hall is still one of the main contenders of the place to stay but I've since discovered that they have no safes in any of the rooms. This may well be a deal-breaker but I'm just not sure. I'm thinking of possibly plumping for one of the mid-priced establishments because a safe is pretty essential on a trip like this.

As ever, we'll see, we'll see...

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