Saturday 7 May 2011

Live Session #23 (Card Dead; Dead At The Fox)

So I arrived in town at The Empire at about 8PM and took my place at a new table which was just starting up. The fella who hit his two pair on the river to crack my pocket queens during session #18 was there along with some other regulars but, as always, it also had its fair share of unknowns, inexperienced and easy-to-read players as well. The main highlight was when Mr Talkative Drunk sat down and started splashing the cash. This guy sat down with £160 but proceeded to go on a massive heater and hit a few lucky outers on the river as well to build his stack up to about £800 when I left. Luckily, none of that money was from my stack. As it was, it was a solid card-dead session with no real opportunities and I left at about 12:15AM with £303 after a starting stack of £300 for a £3 profit.

Undeterred, I decided a quick visit to The Fox was in order but as it turned out I only stayed there for about an hour. I plonked myself down with £200 at a £1/£1 table and, as ever, looked around to see dead serious players with their £30, £40 and £50 stacks. Unfortunately, the atmosphere just seemed "dead" with it, not helped by the most moody, impatient and unfriendly dealer I have ever seen in my life. After about 45 minutes, and now with the action seeming to crawl along at a snail's pace, I decided to just leave and headed on back to The Empire. I was down £8.

With the time at 1AM, I took my place at a table at The Empire with £400. Although I did manage to take down a 3-way pot with trash at one point, the game was uneventful. Oh, and there was also a hand where I stupidly laid down the winner when an unknown, who just arrived at the table, made me lay down top pair, king kicker after he went all-in for about £60. (Another player to my left called the all-in and the villain showed top pair with the jack.) That's another thing I need to work on - laying down the winner to bad players who simply overvalue their own hands and chuck their fairly small stack all-in.

At about 2:30AM I was getting sleepy and picked up my stack which stood at £400; exactly what I sat down with. On reflection, considering the dire hands that I got dealt through the evening, being down just £5 on the night was a great result. 

Tonight, I'm off for a trip into town again for non-poker related social reasons. However, I'll be in the Leicester Square area so of course the temptation to play later on will be strong and I may well be back at The Empire for a game tonight. Unfortunately, The Fox is going down a little in my estimation. The Empire, The Vic and The Nugget are overtaking it as far as a decent venue and good competition is concerned.

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