Sunday 1 May 2011

My "Get Out Of Blog Free" Card.

Ok peeps, this is how it works: I continue twaddling on about my poker progress and posting my profits and losses BUT if my profits for the game put me at just around £100-£200 for the entire year then it's all over baby! I'm done. That way, everything is mutually hunky-dory; I get to blogalise my bollocks with a safety-net in place and you still get to follow the progress of your Uncle Wobble. (This gives me about £1000 of "freerolling blog money.")

I know this is a kind of a cop-out, but blogging as a losing player is just bad for the credibility (even if it's a case of being down just for this year) and I don't want to be in that situation. Therefore if, heaven forbid, I do drop to just a £100-£200 profit then I will definitely have to take my bow and play the game blog-free. (Or maybe I'll still blog but just not post profits and losses - I don't know.)

Anyway that's it and I'm sticking to it. It's a glorious sunny day and I'm inside typing. I think a visit into town is in order...

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