Saturday 28 May 2011

Live Session #30 (Nothing Doing)

Not much to report on this evening's action really. I arrived at Golden Nugget at about 9:30PM and ensconced myself on a £1/£1 table with £100. It was a pleasant enough table with one particularly fishy player. Anyway, I started badly after going all-in while hitting two-pair (6s and 4s) on the flop. But bosh - the villain had a set of 4s and I was soon down to £40. Luckily, soon after, I got out of jail by hitting a flush on the river and get paid off which hauled me back up to £90.

On the next key hand I'm up against Mr Fishy and I have KK. I limp/re-raise the small £5 raise to £20 pre-flop and still get the call from Mr Fish. On the orphan flop I chuck in £32 which puts my villain all-in and he goes into the tank. I remember the "talk-to-them-if-you-think-they're-gonna-fold-but-want-them-to-call" trick and so I feign impatience and tell him, quite aggressively, to fold so he can save some money and so we can get on with the next hand. It works like a charm and he calls, showing 10 5 for a pair of 5s. The board doesn't help him and I'm up to around £140. I then lose a bit on the last key hand by chasing and failing to hit a gutshot and flush draw and then, at about 12:15AM, I get up from the table with £105 and £5 up on the session. I cash £100 and plop the £5 chip on the blackjack table... and win!! I double my £5 to £10 - Hurrah!! I put the two £5 chips in my pocket for next time.

Ok, so I then decide to hit The Empire and, once again, it's as busy as Piccadilly Circus. I'm way down on the list but manage to get seated at a table after about 40 minutes. Unfortunately I get seated at the table from hell which consists of many good players and it's as aggressive as f**k. Not only that but I have Mr Hyper Aggressive Big Stack Swedish Table Captain sitting two to my left!! I feel I'm getting tired - not helped by the presence of Mr Hyper Aggressive Swedish Table Captain with the big stack - and leave at 2AM after just two orbits and feel happy to be down just £5 and to end up breaking-even for the night.


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