Monday 30 May 2011


I may or may not be playing poker tomorrow but I'm gonna shove up my update for May anyway:

With just the odd few one-shot deposits here and there it's been a fairly quiet month at the online game and with the way things are going at the moment I feel it's going to stay that way come June as well (with no one-shot deposits at all if I know what's good for me). After the debacle that was April and with my live game pulling me through a little bit, I guess the month of May seems like the start of the recovery process. Nevertheless, I still have two fairly big regrets about this month:

(1) The drunken trip to The Empire (after a successful 3rd place finish in the freezeout at The Fox for a £330 payout) was unforgiveable. It's really something I should have put right by now at this time of my life so maybe it was a necessary lesson but, whatever, it ended up being expensive at the cost of £200! Cheap drunken poker sessions are one thing but taking £300 to the table while pissed out of your head is just plain stupid. Never, never again!! (I really should have learned my lesson after the PKR Social where I similarly threw £200 down the drain there after one too many bevvies.)

(2) The second regret was the £155 attempt at qualifying for PKR Live 6. I really don't think I should have tried for this. For a start it was mid-week and I played this after a day at work and, secondly, I was not only back at work the next day but would have had to have played the event straight after that day's work as well! Not good.

It's always easy to be wise after the event but if I had behaved myself and kept my discipline, that £355 deficit would just not have happened and I'd be looking at a much more impressive live game monthly profit of over £700 instead, not to say an overall yearly profit approaching £2000. We all live and learn I suppose. Anyway, with my "May starting bankroll of £1000" plan pretty much scrapped, here's how things have gone this month and how things are going for me so far this year: 


ONLINE: MAY -£90 /  YEAR: -£440
LIVE: MAY +£370  /  YEAR: +£1910
TOTAL: MAY +£280    /  YEAR: +£1470

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