Monday 30 May 2011

A Little Online Dabble

With the time at 5PM but with the rain coming down outside, I decided to postpone my little trip into town this afternoon and I've had a little dabble at the ol' online poker game instead. Now, these days, my dips into online poker are just what the experts tell you that you shouldn't do. I plonk in small amounts, sit down at a table with my entire roll and, after doing ok for a short while, just end up losing the whole lot.

Now while I know that this is touristy behaviour in the extreme, the small amounts I put in are really very small and just serve the purpose of scratching that poker itch that all poker players, who are on a break from the online game, get from time to time. If I were serious about my online game (which I was up until April time) it'd be deposits of around 30 buy-ins. As it is I went for a £18.54 deposit this afternoon which got me around $30 to play with at PKR.

With just a little tinkle at the $0.25/$0.50 game I've managed to spin that up to $53.37. The thing is, this little foray has rekindled my passion and has re-awakened the monster that was slumbering within me. I'm really tempted to put in a meatier deposit to allow me to start playing the $0.25/$0.50 semi-seriously again. But I don't know. I think I'll just play with the $53 a little bit longer and see if I can weave the wobbly magic on a consistent basis to see if I've still got it. What I think will probably happen will be that it'll disappear in the usual proverbial puff of smoke.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of my "phoenix from the flames" real money balance before it ends up on the big fat $0 again.:


P.S. It's another change of plan. I'm currently back down to $33 and I've just decided to put it all on the line and register for the $33 Late Night 6-Seater MTT. Whatever happens, I'll post a screenshot of the vital statistics (as above) with, hopefully, a figure in the hundreds next to "My Real Money"; NOW COME ON!!

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