Tuesday 31 May 2011

Live Session #32 (Happy Days!)

In a later post I'll continue with Part 2 of my "Don't Listen To Phil Helmuth" entry but in the meantime I'm burning to tell you of my latest live session. Today, I left the house at about 4PM to catch a bus to my favourite book shop; that'll be The High Stakes bookshop along Great Ormond Street. Yes, and I did it, I went and bought this book at the bargain price of £44:

I know, I'm a sucker for the latest poker book but I just couldn't resist treating myself, so there it is. I'll probably review it later but it's not really "high brow" material that I may have suggested it was in an earlier post.

ANYWAY, to get to the point... After purchasing this latest acquisition my first port of call was The Fox. Once again it was the familiar sight; seriously looking decent players playing £1/£1 cash game poker. I'll pass. Then it was onto the Golden Nugget but the only poker action occurring there was a fairly dead poker table consisting of just 3 or 4 players but it wasn't for me. Ok, so I then took out one of those two £5 chips from my wallet (that I was left with on Saturday) and plopped one onto the blackjack table. I lost. Still, I got another one for next time. Then it was onto The Empire for some £1/£2 cash and, boy, did I hit the jackpot tonight!? Yes, I did.

Ever get one of those sessions where you just hit everything and there's always someone there to pay you off? Well, it happens to me once in a blue moon but that was my session tonight. In the 3 and a half hour session from about 6:30PM to 10PM I hit jackpot after jackpot and bullseye after bullseye; I flopped two full houses, hit trips and two pairs left right and centre and got paid off one after the other by some pretty suspect players (but mainly a rather inebriated Russian fellow). I even saw plenty of flops that would have beautifully hit my folded hands!

Again, the types of players paying me off here were the ones who insist on playing with stacks of around £50-£100. (This is all right to see at £1/£2 as a max buy-in player at The Empire.) This is not really quite scarey enough though and not particularly competitive either. Unless you know your short-stack strategy, if you get felted you should certainly not start fishing out another £50 for another go! I just think this is wrong. Anyway, I shouldn't complain, as a result of my massive heater tonight, I managed to double-up my buy-in from £400 to a cool £800 for a £400 profit. You just don't get this type of action at The Fox. That's what I'm talking about!!
We are supposed to learn most from our losing sessions but I learnt a great deal tonight:

1) Staying sober is definitely a more profitable way of playing than drinking large quantities of alcohol.

2) I must not do anymore premature monthly updates. Today was 31st May but because I'd already done my May update this will have to be carried forward as part of the June balance. It would have really been a nice boost to the May balance but there ya go.

3) I must stop with the stop-loss way of thinking at the table! At one point tonight I had around £822 at the table and I remember saying to myself, "I don't want this to fall below £800." This is a TERRIBLE way of thinking at cash game poker. Needless to say I played very softly with the hands that I really should have played aggressively and just ended the session by playing really weak poker - what a twonk! I did end up leaving with £800 but really did have this niggling feeling that I should have forgotten about the stack and played on as normal. At least I got away fairly early and avoided the nightmare of the night bus.

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