Saturday 28 May 2011

LiveSession #29 (Quiet & Solid)

It's now 4:15AM and I've just got back from a live session in town. It all started out with a few beers with Nobby McNobbus around Leicester Square and the Soho and the Carnaby Street area of town. With a quick stop-off at the Golden Nugget - and my very first crack, this year, at a live blackjack table - it was then onto The Empire. (I figured a £5 minimum was worth a few punts.)

After showing Nobbus a master-class lesson in how to play at the blackjack table, but now £20 poorer (curse that blackjack table), we entered a very busy Empire and I registered for some good ol' £1/£2 only to see my name at about 27th on the list!! Ok, long wait. Back in the main casino we sink another pint while helping ourselves to some nice cup-cakes that were being served up to the clientele - made in honour of The Empire's 4th birthday - nice. Also, for the first time, I had a go at one of those sit-down roulette machines and what a load of ol' bollocks they are! I lose 60p but that was all that was needed for me to decide "never again" with these cash-sinks. 

Still, with the time now at about 12:15AM, we headed back to the poker room and after about a 20 minute wait I was finally seated at a table where I decided to plonk down £400. With Nobby railing again, and commenting after about 4 or 5 hands or so that he'd never seen me take down a pot, I look down at KK in mid-position. UTG pops in £10, Mr Loosie McTricky calls and so I zonk it up to about £60. They all fold except Mr Loosie McTricky who decides to call. (This is the fella who cracked my pocket queens with 67 in a poor session I had last month.) The flop comes K x x with two spades and the villain checks. I'm not in the mood for his antics, or perhaps I should have been(?), but I put in about a half-pot raise only to see his cards immediately hit the muck. Hmm, I dunno, I could have slow-played it but I don't think I would have extracted much out of him and I was happy to scoop in about a £70 pot.

McNobbus takes his leave and misses the next hand where I scoop another £30 or so when my AJ connects with a J x x flop. Things then got very slow and quiet after this and although I looked down at QQ and a couple of AK hands, nothing really came of these and my stack started to dwindle to about £440. Luckily, at about 3AM and towards the end of the session I look down at AK, early-position, and slow played it by checking with an A x x flop against a fairly loose villain. On the river I chuck in £20 and he re-raises £50. I snap call and he shows an 8 to make a pair of 8s(!?) This hand puts my stack back up to around £500. I play a few more hands and then take my leave when our table breaks and when I get the last choice of where to sit. The choice of table I get is a tough one so I called it a day with £490 in chips and a £90 profit for the night.
P.S. OK, it's now 1:30PM on a Saturday afternoon and it's full English breakfast time for me! Another live poker session calls but I'm not sure where to head for tonight. Once again that bleedin' £38 freezeout at The Fox is tempting. Although you get a lot of poker for your money at these, they really are Donkfest City. The Vic for some £1/£1 cash games sounds like a nice idea but we'll see, we'll see.

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