Monday 27 June 2011

Approaching The Half-Way Stage

With the end of June looming up fast, we are approaching the half-way stage of our little journey together. After an enthusiastic start, at the beginning of the year, there have definitely been a few hairy moments on the ride with some violent dips that have made me feel like jumping off. However, with a determination to keep on chuggin' it's looking increasingly likely that we're going to make it to the finishing line as a team.

Admittedly, the online game has been a disappointment. I kind of knew that the online game was getting tougher but I never thought I'd only be able to break-even after 6 months! On a positive note, I still believe that there are enough soft spots at the $1/$2 6-max game to make it profitable. Playing a huge volume of hands is just not a possibility for me but I still reckon, that with careful table selection, I can still turn in an online profit by the end of the year. It looks like I may dabble a little in the PKR cash game battlefield come July.

My Las Vegas trip, in August, is a huge boost to the blog and certainly comes at the right time to give it a good kick. My only uncertainty here though is how I can access the internet, on the strip, on a daily basis so that I can write up daily trip reports. (I also want to review all 20 poker rooms as well but I may have to make notes while I'm out there and write these reviews up when I get back.)

Finally, I have to admit that the live game has been a great and pleasant surprise. It's often said that the live game is softer and I have to say that, from personal experience, this has certainly proved to be the case. With a live game profit of over £2K for the year, after nearly 40 sessions, I have to say that I regularly pine for the real tables and often resent not being able to get stuck in more often.

Anyway, that's my round up of how I view things and how things are going at the half-way stage. I'll still try to keep away from the poker tables (real or virtual) until the month of July so this evening I guess it'll just be a whirl on the weird and wonderful, wobbly and wacky blackjack wackattack!!

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