Friday 24 June 2011

We're Off Again Tonight

I tell you, I just love the summer months. With just 4 weeks to go now until my 6 week summer break and with the sun shining bright in the summer sky, I'm feeling really happy with life at the moment. Also with 7 hours of live poker under my belt this week - and only £15 down after a terrible run of cards over that period - I'm feeling good about taking myself to the felt this weekend.

As I've said before, despite being down over a few sessions, as long as I feel like I'm playing my A-game and that I have an edge at the table then everything is hunky-dory. Tonight, I plan to take myself off to town yet again. It could be an MTT at The Fox or I may stick with my Empire £1/£2 cash game campaign. If it's the former then I feel the drinks will be flowing for sure but if it's the latter, we're talking sober sober sober.  Whatever it'll be: bring it on boys!!

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