Tuesday 21 June 2011

Midweek Live Session?

Live poker, just like online poker, generally changes its dynamic according to the time of day and, indeed, the time of week. It may be hard to demonstrate or prove but casual players generally tend to take to the felt in the evenings and at weekends. Put all this together and the most lucrative time to go out for a nice catch would be Friday and Saturday evening with Sunday thrown in as well.

This view is also borne out from personal experience where my past midweek visits to the poker room tend to be very sober affairs which are tinged with a seriousness that you rarely get on a Friday or Saturday night. Recently though, with the longer and brighter days and with the summer sun hanging in the air, I've often travelled back from work considering how nice it would be to go on a midweek evening trip to The Empire or The Vic.

In the past I vowed never to try my hand at midweek live poker preferring instead to keep it to the Friday, Saturday or Sunday night but I'm really tempted to give it a go either today or tomorrow - and to even make it a regular thing for a while if it proves a success. Now this may sound a bit weird but the vibe I get from the missus before I go out is often important to me when I leave for a live session. If she clearly disapproves of me going out for a session then I really think this can sometimes interfere with my balance. If she is positive and genuinely wishes me luck, then I feel a lot better and I reckon I do better.

I've mentioned the midweek thing to her and she initially questioned this, precisely, by saying that I had already resolved not to do midweek sessions due to players being better and blah blah blah... However, on putting it to her again, she suggested that maybe just ONE midweek session might not be so bad after all. Therefore, I think either tonight or tomorrow I'll be putting in that one midweek session and seeing how I get on.

The only downside, of course, is that I'll need to soldier into work the next day and if I'm still in the poker room at 11PM or even as late as midnight (with a horrible 50 minute - 1 hour journey home to contend with), this could really put me out of whack the following day.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted...

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