Wednesday 8 June 2011

Inspection Time: No Pressure

After surviving a redundancy process last month and learning that my job is still safe come September, it's a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire on the first week back after half-term with an Ofsted inspection.

This is where a load of inspectors descend onto the school and snoop around inspecting things. They can visit your classroom at any moment so you have to be prepared and be on your toes. Today I planned for and delivered three fantastic and awe-inspiring lessons only to be visited by ZERO inspectors.

Bloody typical. There is a possibility of being visited for one of my lessons tomorrow - that'll probably end up being the dud and when I get the bleedin' visit but there ya go.

Lessons are a bit like poker hands when it comes to long-term evaluation. You have good ones and excellent ones, bad ones and average ones along with those that go horribly wrong. But essentially if you're good at what you do, you get the job done well enough and head in the right direction.

So judging whether you're a good or bad teacher on one lesson is a bit like judging whether you're a good or bad poker player based one hand - a bit silly really.

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