Sunday 5 June 2011

Breaking Even In Bad Beat City

It's Sunday afternoon and I've had a few online sessions of about 300 hands in total. It's been a case of playing a little $0.25/$0.50 but getting bored with that and moving up to $0.50/$1 pretty sharpish. It started off good at the end of Saturday evening when my graph looked like this:

However, Sunday morning was pretty bumpy and now my graph looks like this:

I'll show you the two hands that caused the drop. The first one is just a bog-standard cooler where the villain hits his three-outer on the turn:


Looking good baby...

Oh. Not really much I can do about that one.


Still, we play one hand and then I get dealt the ideal hand where everyone on the table will have me pegged as possibly steaming:

An all-in on the turn may have got a call from my villain anyway but my turn bet was pretty poor on my part and was always gonna get a call by someone on a flush draw. Also, a final check on the river was more in order. His check/raise all-in on the river should have sent alarm bells ringing and I should have thought more and read him for the flush based on the post-flop action and saved myself $20 but there ya go. I played this hand pretty much as badly as AA could have been played in this situation. 

So hand number 1 is a bad beat to a three-outer and hand 2 is a loss to a runner runner flush after flopping a set of aces (albeit played like a true donk)!

Nope, this game doesn't drive you mad at all.

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