Saturday 4 June 2011

My Online Experiment For June

When keen poker players say they are "done" with online poker, you just know this aint true. Like little fishes slithering back for more crumbs, we ALWAYS come crawling back because the game just has us by the balls. It could be a few days, a few weeks or a few months but we always come back. Unfortunately this is my disease and my illness as well. I will, once again, be making a deposit into my PKR account but let me explain the deal behind this latest foray.

On Monday, I return to the treadmill for the last 7 weeks of the academic year. The reward will come at the end where I'll get a 6 week summer break, including my first trip to Las Vegas - Hurrah! During the 7 weeks of work, I think it fair to say that the bright lights of Vegas will cross my mind from time to time. To occupy myself through this waiting process, I've decided to try a little experiment involving online poker.

Now presently, this year, I am down at the online game to the tune of £440. Horrible, nasty, awful. I really want this to be rectified. The aim is to try to get this figure back to break-even with some solid play at the $0.25/$0.50 cash games over the month of June. I don't really want to rush this process and I'm not going to put a time-limit on it (don't expect a hand-count of more than 5K) but if I can start the repair process over the month of June with the occasional session and gradually wipe this deficit away, then I'll feel even better about life.

Now at the moment it's a beautiful day, so what I'm going to do is go out for a walk and take the recycling to the local park. I'm going to take my copy of "Don't Listen to Phil Hellmuth" - no, I'm not going to throw it in with the recycling as well - and sit in my local pub garden for a beer and a good read. I'll also consider how much to actually place in my PKR account for this latest online dabble of mine and then let you know the details in a postcript note...

P.S. ...There, I'm back. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. Ok, so I've put in $1021 which was £640. If I were to withdraw that I'd get around £600 so for the purpose of the blog I'm going to call it a round £600.

PPS. Ok, so maybe I'll play just a little $0.50/$1 as well. 

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