Wednesday 1 June 2011

No Brainer For The £45 Qualifier

They say that the best time to play is when you're running good and in the zone. Well, there's no doubt I'm on a roll and running good so I'm gonna get my huge hairy buttocks down to The Fox Poker Club this very evening and have a crack at the 7PM qualifier for the £325 main event that they're holding over Thursday and Friday evening and the weekend. The nice thing about this one is we're not talking an expensive £50 rebuy here where you can burn away a few hundred in the blink of an eye, the maximum I can lose here is just that £45 buy-in. It's still poker with a safety-net but I guess if you can nab a seat in a £325 event for less than 15% of the price then it's all good.

The sun is shining and I still have the rest of the week off work so forgive the smugness but I'm feeling great!! An early exit will probably mean a little wander over to the Golden Nugget or The Vic for some £1/£1. I reckon a break from the £1/£2 cash game to avoid "winning tilt" will probably be in order. One of the worst, but easiest things to do after a big winning session, is to think of the winnings as "free-rolling" money and to have a devil-may-care attitude towards it. Wrong, this is money which has been earnt through hard work and if you think of the money as expendable then that's exactly what it becomes. I also have to be careful if I go deep tonight in the qualifier and then bust-out around the bubble to a bad beat. This is another tilt-trigger. You always have to be on guard in this crazy game of poker be it during online or live play. There again, I think my biggest enemy is actually the booze.

I still need to find time to do the housework before the missus gets back from the South of France sometime tomorrow, and there's a mountain of clothes to be washed, but I guess that can wait till Thursday morning. Now let's do this...

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