Saturday 4 June 2011

Live Session #34 (A Well Deserved Loss)

Yesterday, after a short break-even £1/£1 cash game session at The Fox, I went right on ahead and entered their 7PM £33 donkament. (If you were there - I was the buffoon wearing the white "I Love London" sunglasses.) With a few beers sunk through the evening and a large amount of luck (at one point I knocked out two players after going all-in, early position, with 7 2, getting two callers, hitting two pair on the river and cracking AA along with the other villain's hand) I ended up on the final table but was out in 10th. Luckily we made a deal beforehand to take £20 from 1st and £10 from the 2nd place spot for the bubble boy, i.e. me, and I got my money back.

The exit hand was poorly played on my part (called the all-in button raise, with a small stack, in the small blind with A 5 - and saw the villain flip over A Q) and I think I really could have found a better spot. All this should have sent out warning bells but I ignored the voice saying "go home" and trotted off to the Golden Nugget to place the £5 chip on blackjack. I won that and decided to cash out the three £5 chips as they were a bit bulky in my wallet. Unfortunately, this put me in the zone to try to win more money and so after a kebab in Leicester Square - and with a few ex-students spotting me and then trying to sell me some pot(!) it was off to The Empire to try to win some pots of the other variety!!

With the time at about 1:30AM and now feeling a little tired from the alcohol, this was not the best thing to do. I wasn't entirely drunk but very groggy and certainly not on my A game. The players were certainly good enough for me not to be able to weave any sort of magic and I really should have left early doors. But no, the card-dead session ran for the entire two hours or so that I was there and I left £110 down. The thing is, with the standard of cards and players being what they were, I don't think I would have done that well stone-cold sober either so I'm not too despondent about it - but I still reckon I deserved the loss for turning up at The Empire worse for wear in the first place.

Once again, the painful wait for the night-bus did my head in. At that time of night, after you've had a few - and especially after a losing session - the only thing on your mind is your bed, and 45 minute waits for buses just seem interminable. When the bus finally arrived I actually managed to find a seat and I was able to curl up and doze off for 45 minutes. My head must have hit the pillow at bloody 5 o'clock in the bloody morning!!

Maybe I should take a break from the tables for the rest of the weekend.

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