Friday 24 June 2011

Live Session #39 (Steaming At The Empire)

Tonight was just one of those nights I'm afraid. It's nice that I haven't written about a big loss in a long time but tonight was one of those maddening nights where you're reminded of just how damn painful this game can be.

It started off at The Fox with the £33 freezeout which ended up being a non-descript and non-eventful affair. I got no premiums and no opportunities and busted out midway through. This was followed by an hour session at the £1/£1 cash game table where, with much the same junky hands coming my way, I finished with a £16 loss.

With the time at around 11PM and £50 down on the night thus far, I thought I'd try to make amends with a visit to The Empire. Things got off to a bad start here as well. Bringing £350 to the table I soon end up paying off a tilted short-stack who throws in his last £28 on the small blind after everyone else has limped. I call him with A 10 and he flips over A J to take down the pot. Soon after, I look down at QQ which is something I haven't seen in yonks. I re-raise a mid-stacked early position raiser from her £12 up to £28 and she puts all the rest of her £65 in. I really can't get away from it and I make the call only for her to flip over KK and to take the pot.

With my stack down to about £200 I manage to fight back and build it up to £280 but then I donk off about £60 with an ill-timed bluff. (Funny how 6 2s can look so nice sometimes.) Then comes the hand that sends me home. It's limped round to me on the button and I look down at 5 5. I tank for a bit, really wanting to thin the field but I eventually elect to just limp myself. The flop comes 5 7 7 for a flopped full-house. I raise it to £12 and get the one caller from under-the-gun. The turn comes a jack and after the UTG player checks I bet £40 which he calls. I'm pretty sure he has the 7 at this point and I line up for a huge river bet which I just know he will call BUT plans get completely scuppered when the jack hits the river!! With the board reading 5 7 7 J J the UTG player checks again (bad play on his part) and I slam my pocket fives face up in disgust cos I just know what's coming next: yep, he shows the 7 x for the rivered higher full-house and takes down the pot!

At this point I just can't take it any more and I scoop up the remaining £165 in chips and storm out. This is just one of those hands that you just can't get out of your head as you travel home but the only consolation is that I managed to read my villain correctly and got away from the hand on the river. After getting dealt junk and folding hand after hand for hours on end it's frustrating when you finally get a hand like QQ only for it to run into KK. Also it's just plain ugly when a flopped full-house gets beaten by a higher one on the river! Down £235 on the night but still happy with my play, it's all a little disappointing and I'm thinking of taking a break from poker until the end of the month.


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