Monday 20 June 2011

Gold Members+ Freeroll Freezeout

Every month PKR hold freerolls for members of their VIP loyalty program. For any gold member and beyond, we get a $5K freeroll - and yesterday I finished high enough to be awarded $31.50!! Now, as I had already cashed out my entire June balance, $31.50 was my total balance.

Tempting though it was to try to spin this up at the blackjack tables, I decided against this and plumped for some $0.10/$0.25 poker instead. After shifting this up to close on $40, I made a terrible call against someone who completed their runner runner flush and plummeted back down to around $12. A bit more duckin' and divin' and wheelin' and dealin' later, I pushed this back to $20.

So as I write now, on Monday afternoon, my PKR balance currently stands at a whopping $20.

P.S. Mini PrimeTime Monday for $5.50 Let's do this.


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