Friday 3 June 2011

What A Week That Was...

...and still it goes on. Almost exactly to the hour, this time last week, I was in a great mood because I was looking forward to a whole week off work. Now, after some great poker sessions and just a little bit richer in the pocket, and possibly in spirit as well, I'm looking out the window on this fresh Friday afternoon at a beautiful sunny day. It's the start of the weekend and there's only one thing I'm thinking of doing this evening boys and girls. I wonder if you can guess what it is? That's right; I'm going into town to play me some higgledy-piggledy-pokerington-aploppy-plop-plop. (Right! Stop that, it's silly!!)

No, but seriously, I'll be playing some poker. As always I'm not fully decided on where to go but after all this good fortune I've been having recently I'm thinking of getting just a bit tipsy and going for a silly-tiddly session at The Fox and their £33 donk freeze-out tournament. However, as always, early plans don't always tie in with reality and I could easily end up at The Empire, Vic or Golden Nugget. I must be careful though - I certainly don't want to end up wasted and £400 worse off! (Oh, I'll need to throw a £5 chip on the blackjack table at some point as well.)


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