Sunday 12 June 2011

Mission Accomplished

I know, I know, poker is all about the long haul, I know this. But today is a momentous occasion for me. At about 9PM today, I managed to finally pull myself up and over and out of the hole at last. Yes folks, I have broken-even at the online game for the year and I'm actually UP to the tune of £10!! I know this all may sound a bit petty an' all but it just feels nice to acknowledge that I can still weave enough of the wobbly magic to survive the online game after all. Here is the hand that tipped me out of the mire and into the sunlight to glory:

Let's do this...

Ok, so for deception I just cold called the flop bet. It was probably the right move cos my villain is sitting with two pair and may have raised my re-raise to make it difficult for me to chase the straight. The turn brings me the second nuts and it's just a case of extracting. I guess, with the villain insta-calling my river-bet, I could possibly have gone for a pot-sized raise for a bit more coinage but I suppose I should be happy with the outcome.

What really annoyed me though was that soon afterwards this sorry sight happened: 

You see that? Don'tcha just hate it when this happens? That's a folded flush hitting the muck preflop with a player going all-in on the flop. (He raised it $10 pre.) In the words of Jim Bowen, "Just take a look at what ya woulda won!" Grr.

Tomorrow, Monday morning, it's back to work - I've had a great weekend of poker so I'm gonna call it a day there and just bask a little in my break-even accomplishment. I just hope this post won't trigger any sort of doomswitch but you know what it's like.

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