Thursday 9 June 2011

Ofsted Done; Now Onto Parents' Evening

It's 3:30PM and the school day is all done along with the Ofsted inspection. No inspectors came to see my superb lessons but there ya go, that's how it is sometimes. In half an hour I'll be up for the last parents' evening of the academic year and by the end of the day I'll be shattered but will definitely still need that pint for sure. I've done a pretty good job so far of avoiding the ball-busting parents but I think they'll be the odd one or two out tonight on the warpath.

Of course, the main annoyance with all this is that they'll be less time for me to play online poker tonight so it'll probably be some B game play at nl25 or nl50 at around 10PM or something. After yet another stressful week at work I'll need to unwind come tomorrow so it's looking very likely I'll be up for some small buy-in MTT action at The Fox on Friday night. Jeez, maybe I'll go right on ahead and make it another one of my tipsy "sod-it" sessions.

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