Saturday 18 June 2011

A Mid-June Update (Green Green Green)

I know I've been blowing my trumpet a lot this month but, then again, if my return to online poker has been all about winning sessions then waddya gonna do? Still, I'm a bit annoyed with how things went in yesterday evening's session which, after a really good start, had me messing around with some questionable plays and saw me ultimately end up $30 down :-(

Yesterday, I allowed myself the luxury of withdrawing my initial £600 from my PKR account  - which leaves me the $800 profit to play around with. Now the danger, of course, is to consider this net profit as "freerolling" money - but we all know that this is the wrong way to view it. My intention is to carry on playing for a bit (at any level up to $1/$2 that tickles my fancy) and then to withdraw and bank the entire lot (for June) as soon as I feel I'm starting to play badly. Yes, this may look like a "stop-loss" mentality, which I spoke out against in an earlier post, but the point is that we all need a psychological pick-me-up once in a while - and to register a good online month, this month, is what I need to get my head and mental strength back into the right gear and into a positive frame of mind for the future.

As I sit up here in bed on a Saturday morning and review my month so far, the big psychological line for me at the moment is the break-even point at the online game which is currently hovering £40 below me. Of course I don't want to fall below this but at the same time (as I wrote about in a previous post) I don't want it to become the all-powerful safety net that permeates my decision-making process either. So I think the best thing to do is to take a short break from the online game and to devote myself to some live poker over the weekend.

Ok, so as I've hit the £2.5K mark for the year, I'm going to throw up my stats for the month and for the year so far. Hitting a milestone is always a nice feeling and good for morale but also, in the cut and thrust world of poker, could also be a short-lived affair - so I may as well just revel in the glory of it while I have the chance:    

ONLINE: JUNE(So Far) +£480 /  YEAR: +£40
LIVE: JUNE(So Far) +£560  /  YEAR: +£2470
TOTAL: JUNE (So Far) +£1040    /  YEAR: +£2510

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