Sunday 26 June 2011

The Blackjack Wackattack: Day 2

Just to let newcomers to the blog know, my blog is usually about poker but after a bit of a dry spell at the felt, I've decided to have a break from the game and to try my hand at a bit of blackjack instead. Now I'm well aware that blackjack is a loser's game and that in the long run the money just gets hoovered up by the house. However, to scratch my gambling itch I deposited £32.07 into Paddy Power Poker and I'm going to see if I can spin it up a little bit.

£32.07 got me $52 and, using optimum strategy, I'm placing small amounts on each hand - and larger amounts when I get the feeling. (Total bollocks, I know, but it's all in the name of fun.) Now this originally started at bets of 10c - $1 but after getting into a bit of a pickle I've had to place a few $5 and $6 bets to dig myself out of a few holes. Luckily, the game rewarded me at the right time and my balance now stands at $70 which is a $18 profit. Here is the table right now at the close of play today:

I will continue with my weird and wonderful, wobbly and wacky blackjack wackattack tomorrow (as part of my ongoing attempt to avoid the poker tables) and will keep you posted of my progress. Between you and me, it's probably only a matter of time before I go busto, BUT if I can double my bankroll to about $100, I'll be able to take out around $50 (£30) and can then start again with a bit of freerolling. Oh yeah!

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