Thursday 2 June 2011

Live Session #33 (Happy In Yer Skin: Part 2)

In my last post I went on a bit about why I didn’t play in the £48 qualifier but also wrote that I’d let you know how I got on at the cash game table so here goes... Now in the past I’ve mentioned that I don’t really like The Fox cash games because of the seriousness with which the game is taken and the tight nature of the play. Well, perhaps that’s a bit of a generalisation because after watching this particular cash game (while waiting for my non-existent seat to materialise in the tourney) a few of the players just seemed a little out-of-place, and so I thought it might be a good time to weave a little bit of my wobbly magic.

With no one anywhere near a large stack, I plonked myself down with the £200 maximum and settled in. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are the dog’s bollocks when you sit down as the king of the stacks at a cash game table; everyone can see that they could lose all their money to you and if you play aggressively you can really be an intimidating force at the table, especially at a live game with cagey players. For me it really was all about all-out intimidation this evening but most of the time I really did have a good hand to back it up.

I did lots right tonight: I raised big when I hit two pair with a possible flush draw on the flop; I called an all-in when the ace hit the river and my villain showed A 5 and I held A 10; I made an ok amount when I hit a higher ace straight than my opponent’s king high straight (he correctly folded to my raise on the river). The table actually broke when it ended heads-up with just yours truly and this one other fella. It may sound boastful, and I may be wrong, but I think I just may have scared them all away.

After tonight I might have to re-evaluate the view that The Fox is a house of nits but, anyway, with the time at 10:30PM, I thought it best not to sit at another table and to bank my £85 win for the day. I popped into my favourite Chinese restaurant for some bean curd and pork strips on rice (lovely) and started heading for home but not before realising that I had my special £5 Golden Nugget chip left in my wallet.

So it was off to the Golden Nugget (which was only a three minute walk from the Chinese restaurant) with the sole purpose of putting that lucky £5 chip on the blackjack table. Unfortunately the £5 minimum table was full of players but I could still place it where someone else was already playing. Luckily the old fella sitting at that seat knew what he was doing: he hit on 13 when the dealer had a 7 and got a 2. He then hit again on 15 – which is correct – and turned a magnificent 6 for the beautiful 21! I grabbed my double-up and left the place with two £5 chips and a very happy man. Bosh.

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