Thursday 23 June 2011

Live Session #38 (Stuck At The Empire)

It's Thursday evening and I've just got back from a very short session at The Empire making it my second midweek trip of the week. I got to The Empire at 6PM  with the intention of playing no longer than 4 hours cos the midweek late nights just kill me for the next day at work. I plonked myself down on a very quiet and serious table with a full £400 buy-in. I recognised one good regular player two seats to my right and there were just two or three other semi-competent players.
It's early doors, I look down at A7 in late position and just limp along with a few others. The flop comes A 8 6 and someone bungs in £8. There is a call and so I just smooth call to see what happens. The turn is a 6 and it checks all round. I elect to check as well which may sound weak but I was still very new to the table and just feeling things out. The river comes another 6 and the early position flop raiser plops in £13, mid-position folds and I snap call. I show my A 7 and take down about a £30 profit as the villain mucks his hand... And that's it! Apart from one or two limps, I fold the rest of my hands for the entire session. 

I get dealt no pairs, no suited connectors, no AK, AQ or AJ. Just junk for the next hour and a quarter! In fact, the best hand I got dealt was A 10 (UTG) and this just hit the muck. The three or so LAGs at the table made it difficult for me to get any sort of grip and I never really got the opportunity to mix it with the soft spots either. So there you have it. £25 down after a 5 hour session on Tuesday and £10 up tonight after about 2 hours of folding one hand after the other. Who said cash game poker was exciting!?

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