Saturday 11 June 2011

Live Session #35 (Too Much Beer and Tipping)

It's all very well turning up at The Fox and getting hammered but it's starting to cost me a lot in both beer AND tips. When I've had a few I become far too generous. I must have bought at least 12 bottles of Peroni last night but the thing is, I order them in twos along with a pint glass (cos I prefer to drink out of a glass) and let the waitress keep the change. They are £3.70 each which means each purchase costs £7.40 altogether but, with the tip, that means I'm throwing away an extra £2.60 a time - that's £10 a shot and that mounts up! I also tipped £5 at the cash table after I won my only pot of £10 (I only played a few hands between breaks in the freezeout) and I tipped £3 to one of the nice dealers who gave me a straight on the river in the tourney. Why the hell am I giving away so much of my money!?

Anyway, the tourney itself was another success with a seat on the final table and 5th or 6th place ( I can't remember) for a £210 payout and a £180 profit! I'm actually a bit annoyed at myself - not for being totally pissed (I kind of played on auto-pilot), but for crippling myself for going all-in with A3 on the button against someone who insta-called with AQ. That's the second time in a row that I've stupidly gone all-in with Ace/rag on the final table and got caught out. It's got to stop. Also, in retrospect, I was actually chugging along very nicely and really felt that the game was there for the taking - so, yeh, maybe the beer did get me into trouble but there again maybe it actually helped me get to the final table in the first place! Who knows?

On a sour note (and I make no apologies for mentioning this on my blog) I was a little bit taken aback right at the very end of the evening when I cashed out my chips. As I say, I played very few cash game hands during the night but broke-even and had £200 in chips to cash-out. When I handed it over I was short-changed £10!! When I started to frown and look closer at the cash the staff member noticed his "mistake" and said, "Oh, sorry, just testing you." Well, I don't know about you but I don't think you should ever "test" your customers when it comes to money. Anyway, I just went "hmmm" and took my money - and I'm not convinced it was good-natured on his part.  He could see I was heavily under the influence and I wonder if he was trying to take advantage of the state I was in.

It's strange, cos a few weeks ago I was overpaid £5 by the cashier (different person). That time, I pointed out the mistake with the throwaway comment, "honesty is always the best policy." Now maybe I'm just being paranoid but it does make me wonder what sort of little game they're playing to be so inaccurate with counting out cash. Anyway, I don't remember much at all about the journey home last night but slept like a log, as they say in The Beatles' song, and I woke up this afternoon with only £100 more than I left with which means I must have spent a bloody fortune on beer and bloody tips last night! Now let that be a lesson to you and let that be a lesson to me as well.

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