Thursday 20 January 2011

The $1K Top-Up

After yesterday's debacle, I decided that the time was right for a $1K top-up to the online bankroll which puts my effective starting bankroll at $6K for the year. With my bankroll now at $5.6K it also means that while playing $0.50/$1, I have about 56 buy-ins. If I switch up to $200nl, this would mean 28 buy-ins but strictly speaking I don't think this is enough. (I think a minimum of 30 buy-ins is right for that - but even then it should probably be more.)

Therefore, even though the temptation to play $200nl is as strong as ever (and I may well have a crack if the table looks nice), I've decided that I need to prove myself at the $100nl game once again. I think the sensible thing to do would be to try to get my bankroll up to $6K before taking the plunge back into the $200nl again. Well, that's the "sensible" thing to do - not necessarily what I WILL do.

No worries about the $1K top-up. Although I am, of course, annoyed about dropping over $800 in five days, this reload came pretty much from my winnings from the live game session last Saturday - so it's not as if I'm just throwing more money in from my savings to fix the problem. Nevertheless, here's a rousing song to go with the thoughts that accompany my feelings behind this top-up: This time, I'll get it right. Marching on boys!

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