Sunday 9 January 2011

Beautiful Sunday

When it comes to the British winter weather, especially in the ugly months of December and January, the word "detest" springs to mind. The cold, dark and wet winter mornings of the big city - especially when you have to face a full day's work - can be torture to say the least. Happily I woke up to a glorious Sunday morning today.   

I've already posted "four insirational poker songs" in my post of the same name but Beautiful Sunday is one that I often play to put me in a good mood for the day. The Christian belief (and many other religious belief systems) tells us that Sunday is the day for rest and relaxation  - and for many busy people or for those who might play poker casually, or once in a while, Sunday is the day that they choose to play. Now while the pros see this as "feeding time for the sharks," I don't like to be so presumptuous and prefer to see it as a day where my edge just goes up a little bit. (I've had some atrocious Sunday sessions by the way.) It is for this reason that I might get annoyed if I have to spend long periods away from the tables during Sunday or if my family, through their hustle and bustle, prevent me from firing up tables.

This morning, I thought about a hand that I played late last night. It was one of those hands where I lost a fair amount of money ($32 to be exact) but was really pleased with the way I played it. Without going into detail, on a fairly dry flop, I read my opponent for KK or AA and correctly folded QQ to his reraise. As it happens I would have hit a straight had I stayed in the hand and won the pot. True, had I not gone with my read and played the hand badly, I would have been rewarded and won a hefty sized pot. But the great thing about it was, I really felt that I played it well:

The call from the button seemed out-of-place coming from this player and sent out an alarm bell.

Plan B may have seen me check the flop and to consider a strategy depending on my opponent's move but in this case, with this opponent, I think the information bet was necessary and correct.

Anyway, there you have it; one of those where I actually feel pleased at losing $32 even though I would have won around $100 had I stayed in!

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