Wednesday 12 January 2011

Wednesday Evening - Too Tired Again.

Wednesday evening is upon me once again and I'm feeling very tired just like I did last Wednesday. The thing is, Wednesday is Department Meeting day. This takes place at the end of a busy day of teaching and to be honest, it's the last place I want to be; I have no energy left for it, it usually involves being given extra work and they almost always go on longer than necessary. Most importantly, it means I have less time to spend at the online poker tables come the evening. Oh, and one more thing, I tend to get back too late to have my little siesta to recharge the batteries. By the time I get home I'm completely knackered so it's either tired poker which usually ends in disaster, or no poker at all which I hate. 

Having a swift pint in the pub on the way home doesn't exactly help me keep alert but it's very hard to resist and as such, I have yet to sit down at a virtual poker table tonight. With the time approaching 9PM, I'm still not sure what to do.
Well in the end I made the decision to play. I felt ok once I started playing and really got into the zone, even though I was always running at a loss during the whole session. At one point I picked myself up to almost break-even but overall I ended up down $100. The major hand, where I was hit for $70, was fair enough really; I held 99 in early position, raised on all streets including on the river where I hit a straight. My villain played very well, re-raised the river, and managed to extract more from me. He had flopped a full-house!

This result doesn't sound good in comaparison to my earlier results but, apart from the above hand, I was generally reading my opponents well and making the right decisions. I may possibly have played too many marginal hands out of position though.

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