Sunday 16 January 2011

Back To Square One

Well my online sessions this weekend have been diabolical and I'm almost back to where I started with as far as bankroll goes. Today, while playing a mixture of $100nl and $200nl, nothing really clicked into place and I think I just ended up getting desperate, spewing chips and playing far too loose. Even though I was up around $80 at one point after a satisfactory $200nl game, I am actually down around $140 today. I really don't think I'm in the mood to play any more tonight. Here's my sorry looking graph from the day's play:

It means that for the year I am up just $60 at online poker. Not altogether good news when you consider I was up $400 just before the weekend started. Still, were it not for yesterday's storming display at the live tables, I think I'd be a lot more disappointed about the whole thing.

Nevertheless, it probably means I should take a short break from the tables to take stock of the situation and clear my head a bit. The irony, of course, was that just five days ago I was writing that I was worried I might blow too much money at the live game and my confidence at the online game was on such a high. The swings and roundabouts of this maddening game can really put your head in a spin. Here's an update of my progress showing how I have got on this week at the online and live game; also how my profits and losses have faired so far this month/year. (Who knows what the coming week will bring?)
ONLINE: WEEK 2: -$300 (~£185)  /  JANUARY +$60 (~£35)  /  YEAR: +$60 (~£35)
LIVE: WEEK 2: +£625 (~$960)  /  JANUARY +£625 (~$960)  /  YEAR: +£625 (~$960)
TOTAL: WEEK 2: +$660 (~£440)  /  JANUARY +$1020 (~£660)  /  YEAR +$1020 (~£660)

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