Tuesday 11 January 2011

An Overdue Live Session Required

Now that we're approaching two weeks into the new year, I think that sometime this weekend I should get myself into town for my first live session of 2011. There are two main reason why I have put this off; one is that the weather has been so damn cold and wet and dark that I just don't want to go out and face it if I can avoid it. (Going to and from work in these conditions is bad enough.) The other reason is that I have been enjoying the profits that have come with my online sessions so far and I want to ride the wave that this brings for a while - without the possibility of live poker ruining it.

The slight "problem", if you can call it that, is that to play a meaty £1/£1 or £1/£2 live cash game session you really need somewhere in the region of £400 minimum. That, of course, is £400 that could go up the spout. Now to be a real success at this game, allowing these thoughts to hold you back is just plain daft and the possibility of this prospect occurring shouldn't matter in the slightest. However, as I'm making my progress so open and wish to keep positive without an early deficit, a £400 wipeout could be quite bad for my morale so early in the year.

To overcome this, like my online game, I'll be getting back into the live arena very gently. I intend to avoid the cash game tables altogether (unless the urge is really just too strong) and play a "light" freezout MTT to start the ball rolling. When it comes to low buy-in, good value MTTs you can do a lot worse than The Fox. Therefore I'll be either entering the 7PM, £30 freezout on Friday OR the 7PM, £35 freezout event on Saturday. It's a shame that these affairs are really just donkfests but you have to start somewhere.

Let's do this! Rock and Roll!! Onwards and upwards and all that bollocks.

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