Friday 28 January 2011

A Conclusion

After some deliberation about what I really want to get out of this whole online poker thing, I have decided on a new plan of action. Before I get to that decision I'd just like to go through what is required of any cash game player who decides to "go pro":

1.  A massive bankroll  of at least 50-60 full buy-ins, although 100 buy-ins are ideal. ($10K-$20K for the $200nl games.)
2.  A commitment to volume; the aim to play around, at least, 20K-30K hands per month.
3.  The ability and skill to effectively multi-table at least four tables at a time.
4.  The time not only to play a huge volume of hands but to study and work hard at the game as well.
5.  To have a circle of like-minded players to be able to discuss hands and strategy etc.
This is where I stand in all of this:

1.  My bankroll is/was between $5k-$6K. Not enough.
2.  I can barely get in between 5K-6K hands per month. Not enough.
3.  I can comfortably play 2 tables at $200nl and 4 tables at $50nl and $100nl - but prefer just playing 1 or 2 tables in general. I cannot play 4 tables over a long period of time. Not enough.
4.  I work, pretty much, 9 to 5. I have no time to get the right volume of hands in and not enough time to study the game if I want to be a real contender.
5.  None of my friends or family are into poker as much as I. No poker support system.
So I said to myself this morning; I said, "Wobble - stop kidding yourself. You're not a pro so stop acting as if you are. You're not some kind of bigshot; you're an average player who likes to play "small" to "mid" stakes poker every once in a while." That's what I said. No area of my game is covered by the five crucial points above so who the hell am I kidding to be writing as if I'm someone special?

For this reason, I have decided to make some changes:

A.  The $5K-$6K starting bankroll idea has been scrapped.
B.  I have cashed out $4K and put that back into my bank account.
C.  My effective starting bankroll for the year is now $2K.
D.  I will play less online poker and more live poker.
E.  I will play any level I feel like playing without too much regard to bankroll management. Under-rolled or over-rolled - it doesn't matter!

With these changes, nothing really dramatic happens:

F.  The blog still marches on.
G.  Profits and losses will still be recorded as usual.
H.  I'll continue to play my "A" game but stop if I lose $2K.
I.    I'll consider myself a "casual/recreational" player. 
J.   My integrity stays intact.
-- This weekend I plan to play some live poker but haven't decided whether to go on Friday, Saturday or Sunday or whether to hit The Vic, The Empire or The Fox. I'm currently just finishing off at work and don't really know what the weather is like outside - if it's too cold, it'll just be a cosy evening in but I really am due a visit to the live tables. 

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