Sunday 30 January 2011

And The Online Plughole Takes My Money

As we approach the end of the month, I have so many mixed feelings about poker and this blog of mine that it's all starting to get a bit mind-boggling. With $860 up the swanny I have just experienced the worst month ever at the online game, yet have experienced a couple of live sessions at The Empire in London Town where I have picked up a cool £1000!

Ok, let's just clear up the online debacle first: I've just blown $300 in a very short space of time at the nl100 and nl200 games today which meant my bankroll had shrunk to $1170. I think bad play is to blame rather than bad cards and, obviously, I'm not feeling very good about this at all. I just can't seem to get any sort of momentum going at the online game; it's as if I've forgotten how to play properly!

In fact I've just emptied my PKR account of another $1K and have pretty much shut up shop at the online game for now. I've registered for the $27.50 Sunday Open but this is really a winding down process. (I have about $140 left which I'm not sure what to do with at the moment.) I mean, Jesus Christ on his fucking pogo-stick jumping up and down!!

I think if my live sessions had not been good, this blog would certainly not have lasted to the end of January. As it is I'm really struggling to convince myself that this whole thing is tenable. Anyway, I'm just going to throw up the stats for the week and will need to think about how the hell I'm going to proceed with this:

ONLINE: WEEK 4: -$370 (~£230)  /  JANUARY -$860 (~£530)  /  YEAR: -$860 (~£530)
LIVE: WEEK 4: +£335 ($520)  /  JANUARY +£960 (~$1480)  /  YEAR: +£960 (~$1480)
TOTAL: WEEK 4: +£105 (~$150)   /  JANUARY +$620 (~£400)  /  YEAR +$620 (~£400)


Looking at this objectively, you can see that my poker results overall for the week are not bad at all as it actually has me ahead. For the month, or year, I'm also ahead by a not too unpleasant $620 or £400. But the online game is really killing me at the moment and a break, or a big wind-down with my last $140 is certainly in order. Tomorrow, I'll do a review for the month and by then I'll hope to have a clear enough head to know what the hell my next move will be with all this.

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