Monday 17 January 2011

All Is Well Again - My Biggest Pot Of The Year

In my last post I mentioned about feeling right back at home after getting back into the $200nl saddle once again. Even though I threw $200 to the winds thanks to a certain Zomgchipriffle cracking my AA with his AK, I wrote that it just felt "right" to be back playing $1/$2 again. Well, I'm happy to say that it DID come good, I DID hit a set versus my villain's two pair on the flop, I DID get it all-in and DID get the call, and all is well with the world once more.

Now I well know that any pro reading this might question my obsession with my balance. But I think it's very difficult NOT to do this when you single-table and when you don't play such a large volume of hands, and also when you pour more emotion into just the one intense table. True, pros will often note the single-tablers and immediately tag them as fish precisely because they are single-tabling and see them as more emotionally involved but I think the excitement you get by single-tabling can be a really good buzz - and I actually enjoy playing my poker this way despite the emotional rollercoaster ride that can come with it. In saying that though, I still understand the advantages of multi-tabling and expect to be regularly 2-tabling fairly soon.

Tonight, I lost the biggest pot of the year and then won my biggest pot of the year in the space of an hour. How much more excitement can you get just by sitting on your fat arse in your living room? (Don't answer that.) Here is my biggest win of the year so far:

On the button with 77 and I just flat call (!?) I hear you say. Who said I should play by the book?

To tell the truth, when I saw that river card fall to improve my villain's hand my heart missed a beat and I actually thought I LOST the hand. I got up from my seat, paced around the room for a bit, returned to my seat, and saw the $482 next to MY name. Which was nice.


  1. nh, keep it up m8

    cu at nl1k in a while ;-)


  2. Just stumbled across your blog, very nice!! I'm an aspiring poker player who also has a full time job. Hopefully I can win some monsters like this, once I get my bankroll amped up. (Currently $45 :-).
