Monday 3 January 2011

My First Losing Session Of 2011

Well, I started off with a few brags so I guess it's only right that I correct the balance. Tonight, I played from about 7:30PM - 11:30PM. I started with 84 hands at a few $50nl tables and was $5 up. Then came 165 hands at a few $100nl tables and I ended the session down about $45.

The $100nl session started badly and I was going nowhere. I then joined a table where a just played steady poker which allowed me to climb up to break-even point. Unfortunately, soon after this I played a hand where I failed to listen to my read and I stupidly folded a hand that would have won me around $60. A voice in my head said stop for the evening and if I'd listened to that voice I would have only been down about $10-$15.

As it was, I played another hand soon after where I held A-9 with A x x on board against an unknown player who brought $40 to the table. Again, I failed to go with my read and this time I handed around $40 to him when he showed A-J.

Not an ideal session and I'm particularly annoyed for (1) failing to go with a read which would have landed me the $60 but (2) also annoyed with myself for throwing away around $40 on that marginal hand so soon after I should have trusted my instinct and called it a night. Anyway, as I showed my PokerOfficer graph for my winning sessions, it's only right to show it for this losing session so here it is: 

I've decided not to give such regular daily updates of my balance as it's not something I think I need to focus on. I'll just show graphs and mention my profit and losses, in future, if I need it to make a point. Nevertheless, tomorrow I am back at work which is not something I'm particularly looking forward to but one has to be positive about these things.

Anyway, until next time...Uncle Wobble.

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