Wednesday 5 January 2011

Too Tired To Play - But I Played Anyway

One of the problems about working full-time, while having an addiction to online poker, often occurs when you return home after an exhausting day at work. On the one hand, a voice is crying out to satisfy the poker fix while on the other the voice is saying that you're just too tired and really shouldn't play.

Fortunately, I have a plan in place which involves having a siesta just after I drag my knackered body through the front door after a hard day's slog. Just an hour or so is usually enough to recharge the batteries and then I'm good to go. But what about those days when it's just too late for a snooze? What happens when the craving is just too strong even though I know I am too tired to play? Well, on these occasions it's a case of finding some sort of compromise.

At these times it's best to play low stakes in order to minimise the loses that can so easily occur when you're just too groggy to really concentrate. Tonight was a case in point. I single-tabled about 120 hands at a $50nl cash table and played fairly boring ABC poker. I ended up down $4 but played my best C-game ever!

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