Saturday 8 January 2011

A Frustrating Session

It turns out that my post yesterday on manufacturing wins was the self-fulfilling prophecy that I suspected it might turn out to be. This afternoon I've had my worst session of the year and ended up down $140 for the session overall. I two-tabled a couple of $100nl games and just happened to be on the receiving end of some harsh beats. I know it's dull listening to or reading bad beat stories so I'll keep it to a concise list:

1) Flopped a set of 2s on the flop but villain hit his flush on the turn. -$63.
2) Flopped a set of 2s on the flop but villain hit his gutshot straight on the river. -$38.
3) Hit a two pair on the turn but the same villain hit runner runner (gutshot) straight on the turn and river. -$28.
4) Hit top pair, top kicker on the turn but villain pushed all-in on the river and I folded. -$23.

All this occurred over 143 hands but it was frustrating because I was playing just fine. The final straw came when I folded a marginal decision on the flop and then saw that my very well disguised gutshot nut straight would have hit on the turn against players who would certainly have read me as being on tilt (one of whom was playing like a right donkey). That was the point where I insta-closed both of the tables.

To make matters seem worse, prior to this I had a 58 hand session at $100nl where river cards also saved the villains left right and centre. One was where I held a straight and the villain hit his flush on the river and another was where I held K 10 on a 10 5 x 10 board, where I went all-in on the turn, got called, only to see a 5 fall on the river - and for my villain to show 10 9 for a shared pot! Still, these types of sessions, plus even more brutal ones are what you have to expect and are just what you have to put up with on the long and bumpy road.


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