Tuesday 18 January 2011

Let's Have A Hand Count

With the date at 18th January, we're 60% through the month. The total hand count for my online poker sessions this year has reached just under 3.5K which means I'm heading to complete around 6K hands for the month. (72K for the year.) It doesn't seem to be a massive amount but I think I've had a slow start as far as volume is concerned, particularly as work has taken up a hell of a lot of my time this year and I'm always arriving home completely knackered.

Today, for example, I arrived home at about 5PM, surfed a bit on the internet and then crashed out for my siesta at 6PM. I slept for an hour and woke up at 7PM. With my daughter demanding food, I had a shower, washed the mountain of dishes that no one bothered to wash last night and made dinner for me and the hungry daughter. At 8:30 the missus arrived home from her meeting and the other daughter decided to trundle in. With the non-stop yakkity-yak going on and the time at 10:15PM, I've just not been able to play a single hand.

My profit/loss balance for the year stands at +$150 but $40 of this was my December rakeback payment and $50 was a reload bonus payout! This means I'm hardly taking PKR by storm but at least I'm not running at a loss...not yet at least! Still, once the madness subsides I may just be able to get a few hands in before bedtime.

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