Tuesday 25 January 2011

Short Term Results (High Twaddle Factor)

As someone who has been playing poker for a relatively long time, I appreciate that the game should be looked at as a long-term project. Letting short-term results get you down "is bad" and I know this, particularly if you let those thoughts cramp your decisions at the table - but that doesn't mean to say that writing about your reaction to those short-term results should be a taboo subject. Looking at my last post, I'd never thought I'd be talking about a "stop-loss" contingency plan so soon after a pear-shaped start to the year. It does, indeed, appear to be a harsh reaction to a relatively harmless short-term hiccup but it did reflect how I felt.

I have made the choice of blogging, pretty much, on a daily basis - and as this blog is mainly about poker it's very hard not to write about how things have gone on at the tables during the day. When the end of the day comes I can't change how my results have gone; if they're bad, they're bad but I'm often compelled, by the nature of my blog, to write about those results and how I feel about them. Surely any player, after they turn off the computer at the end of a daily session, must think about how their session has gone.  The difference, of course, is that I choose to pour it all out in the form of a load of old twaddle. What would this blog be if I couldn't write about how things have gone over a day or two?

What I will say, though, is that I certainly try not to let poor short-term results effect how I play at the table and that's probably the most important thing. (I played about 15 hands yesterday, felt I was playing weak and predictably and just didn't feel right, so I stopped playing.) I don't know of any other blog that talks about results so regularly and, of course, the reason is because you should be thinking long-term, and I know this to be true. But what's wrong with bringing something a little different to the table eh?

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