Thursday 6 January 2011

Anyone For $25/$50?

Here is my avatar sitting at the $25/$50 table with $5K - possibly the most I'll ever have at a poker table...but you never know. I must have a good reputation at PKR because not a single opponent came to challenge me at the table. Or it could have been because I was only there for the length of time it took me to hit the Print Screen button.

Still, a nice one for the album.

Here's an interesting scenario:

Without unchecking the Auto Post Blind button, Beyne, a millionaire pro sits down next to me and before I know it I've posted a $50 big blind and the dealer is dealing out cards! In my annoyance at losing $50 for nothing, I go to click the "Leave Table" button but as I do so, I look down and see AA! Beyne then goes and raises it up to $250 from the small blind!

What should I do?

Well this is what Chris "Fox" Wallace writes on the matter in his latest book; "...If you got every penny you owned in the pot with AA against K9o and lost, you still played terribly because you risked your entire bankroll on one hand..." This seems to suggest that folding is the right decision. But he only says you'd be playing it terribly if you lose... so it's still unclear as to what really is the best decision. 

I think the answer has to come down to how much $5K means to you and also how long would it take to build that bankroll up again if you lost it all. But surely you dream of moments like this don't you? I think I'd just gamble it up, stick in the whole lot and whatever will be, will be. How can you call yourself a poker player and wimp out of a hand like this?

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