Monday 17 January 2011

Back Where I Belong.

Tonight, I have realised that my place is in the $200nl game. From the evidence of an hour's play just now at a $1/$2 table, I would be mad to continue playing for anything less. The result? I was down about $130! The players? Shocking!

I was playing fine, had identified the weak players, and was chugging along nicely with a $270 stack and then looked down at AA. I went all-in, got a caller from a regular who held AK, and looked on in disbelief as a flop of K K x came down to hand him the trips. Without help on the turn or river I lost $200 right there! I should have been up to a nice looking $470 stack and well in the black overall but it just wasn't to be. Arse!

In my annoyance, I angrily exited the table so fast that the hand didn't get recorded in the hand-history. I did not do this intentionally, by the way, as I would have liked to have posted it up here. In fact, this just means my PokerOfficer hand-history files are inaccurate now and my records will just be plain wrong. Nevertheless, with my bankroll now BELOW my starting bankroll of $5K, and me itching to get back to the $1/$2 tables it will be interesting to see how things develop. I'm going to study the tables to decide which one to plump for and maybe have another dip into the pool. I'll give a further update if I do.

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