Saturday 1 January 2011

My First Session of 2011

This session lasted from about 12:30AM - 3:30AM. I single-tabled $50nl for a while, then went on to single-table $100nl. I had all my chips in twice with KK (see below) and lost both hands. I started off fine while picking up a few small pots here and there at the $50nl table. Then a player (ept78) sat down to my left and was sitting out for a while. In his first hand at the table this happened:

Although his call on the turn did send alarm bells ringing it's tough to fold KK in that spot against a newcomer to the table who's playing his first hand. You may also question my call on the river as well but by then I was committed. Anyway, straight after this, he buggered off and left the table with $30 of my chips. This meant I was down ~$30. I carried on playing but then had a hankering to play $100nl. All was well for a while and then this little curious hand happened:

This 3-way, AA v KK v QQ, pot has happened to me once before (while I held QQ) at an MTT at The Vic and it's one of those "wow" moments. However, it's not as uncommon as you might think and typing in QQ v KK v AA on youtube will get you quite a few hits. This one actually has a 55 and a 77 thrown in as well!! Anyway soon after this, while I was still down ~$40 I found quite a nice little $100nl table where I managed to build a starting stack of $100 up to $140. This final session, within a session, meant I finished up $5 on the night!!

I leave you with a screenshot of my PokerOfficer graph showing how the evening progressed:

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